Cluster flies are very common throughout the UK and their name refers to their
habit of forming clusters when ‘hibernating’ - in large numbers - in buildings.
A 'field' fly in the summer and early autumn, they migrate during the winter into
the roof spaces and lofts of houses and farm buildings in search for more protection
from the elements. Once inside the flies will stay there until the spring.
They are attracted to light and will find their way into living areas to cause a
nuisance, and the presence of large quantities of lethargic/dead flies around windows
can be unpleasant. Large numbers of cluster flies hibernating together are also capable
of producing a sickly smell.
A qualified Agouti pest control technician will usually get to work after the first
winter frosts. This ensures that all of the hibernating flies are in the treatment
area, resulting in a more cost-effective solution. The problem is treated with an insecticide
space spray which will quickly eradicate any cluster flies present.
For your FREE Cluster Fly eradication assessment and quotation
contact us today.