Of the 160,000 species of moths there are some 2,500 to be found in the UK. However
only three make serious nuisances of themselves - the clothes moth, the brown house moth
and the white-shouldered house moth.
They are usually drawn into our homes at night by light and once inside they like to
find dark, undisturbed areas to lay their eggs usually where clothes or textiles are stored.
An adult female clothes moth lays up to 100 eggs, which are small and white in colour, and
after a few days the will eggs hatch and the larvae will start to feed. It's these voracious
caterpillars, which can live for up to six months, that do all the damage.
An Agouti Pest technician will utilise a number of residual insecticides including fumigation
products, cypermethrin-based preparations and a variety of organic treatments.
For your FREE Moth eradication assessment and quotation
contact us today.